Tick Downloads

Talking Time Keeper - Talking Calculator - Saint Paint - Trivia Millionaire
These PC apps are no longer developed or supported, so are now free to use, and no purchase is necessary. Please be aware that in some ways they may no longer be compatable with the current version of Windows (e.g. the ability to save and retain Alarms in Talking Time Keeper may be unreliable). However you can still use the apps with this serial code, which should work for all of them: 123A-567B-9E12-3456-7KPG
Life took me to places and made me meet people that helped me mold my character as a person and that got expressed in my works.
You can still use the apps with this serial code, which should work for all of them: 123A-567B-9E12-3456-7KPG

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